Nurses who take the American Nurses Association's (ANA's) certification ex-amination must demonstrate superior knowledge of psychiatric and mental health nursing and the ability to apply that knowledge to a wide variety of psychiatric clients in varied health care settings. To pass the test, the nurse must resharpen test-taking skills and develop new strategies for answering test questions that dif-fer in style from those the nurse may remember appearing on the state boards.
Springhouse Review for Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing Certification, Third Edition, helps the nurse prepare for ANA's Psychiatric and Mental Health Nurs-ing Certification Examination. Each chapter has been thoroughly reviewed and updated to include the latest information on psychiatric disorders and treatments.
The easy-to-follow outline format contains all of the elements needed to:
- understand how the examination is developed and scored.
- complete a thorough review of psychiatric nursing concepts, theories, and practices.
- evaluate readiness to take the actual examination.
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