The current era is an era where the development of the era is very fast and has high complexity. This is
also the case in the world of health, from the era of written documentation to the paperless era. From a
simple and simple era to a complex problem. This requires us to always have the ability to understand
and follow the direction of consumers. Health care is something that is also experiencing rapid
development. All health workers, including nurses, midwives, dental hygienists, doctors, radiographers,
and other health workers are required to provide services by prioritizing quality, effectiveness and cost
Health care providers must have a good understanding and competence in both theory and
implementation of legal and professional ethics. There is a need to combine a strong emphasis on
biomedical ethics and a health law-based critique of ethical principles and legal approaches to respect
for human dignity. Therefore, this event will be supported in developing a sophisticated international
perspective on ethical issues, ethical dilemmas, codes of ethics, professional values in particular through
the lens of a human rights approach. The role of health care providers is the main content to prepare
students to have competency in basic concept knowledge of health ethics and law.
The analysis of ethical dilemmas, conflicting interests surrounding health care and the application of
biomedical ethical theory and health legislation will guide students to become professional healthcare
providers. Having an understanding of the professional ethics of health workers is a necessity. This
understanding provides students with the mental readiness to make ethical decisions related to the
practice of the healthcare workforce. Have an understanding of legal concepts so as to avoid actions that
include violations of the law in providing health employment practices. Explain and apply his
knowledge of the rights and obligations of health workers and patients. At this stage of ability, students
can perform health services in accordance with their rights and obligations professionally. Carry out
medical dispute resolution. If later health providers face a medical dispute can make the right decision.
This International Health Conference activity was held in the context of the peak implementation of the
National Health Day celebration in 2021. This activity became an event where practitioners, academics,
and observers in various health fields could gather to conduct discussions, share experiences, and oral
presentations according to their expertise. This International Health Conference activity involves the
academic community in the Postgraduate Program of the Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health
in Semarang.
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