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Landscape archaeology between art and science :from a multi- to an interdisciplinary approach

Kluiving, Sjoerd J. - Nama Orang
Guttmann-Bond, Erika - Nama Orang

Researchers in landscape archaeology use two different definitions of landscape. One definition (landscape as territory) is used by the processual archaeologists, earth scientists, and most historical geographers within this volume. By contrast, post-processual archaeologists, new cultural geographers and anthropologists favour a more abstract definition of landscape, based on how it is perceived by the observer. Both definitions are addressed in this book, with 35 papers that are presented here and that are divided into six themes: 1) How did landscape change?; 2) Improving temporal, chronological and transformational frameworks; 3) Linking landscapes of lowlands with mountainous areas; 4) Applying concepts of scale; 5) New directions in digital prospection and modelling techniques, and 6) How will landscape archaeology develop in the future? This volume demonstrates a worldwide interest in landscape archaeology, and the research presented here draws upon and integrates the humanities and sciences. This interdisciplinary approach is rapidly gaining support in new regions where such collaborations were previously uncommon.

Deze bundeling van artikelen is gebaseerd op de eerste internationaal congres landschapsarcheologie (LAC2010). LAC2010 heeft een diepgravende inventarisatie gemaakt van de internationale landschapsarcheologie in de eenentwintigste eeuw. Op welke schaal vindt interdisciplinair landschapsonderzoek plaats en waar bestaan nog lacunes in onderzoeksrichtingen? Het huidige onderzoek binnen de landschapsarcheologie is te onderscheiden in processueel onderzoek en postprocessueel onderzoek, wat voorkomt uit een verschillende definitie van het woord ‘landschap’: de ‘gebieds’-definitie en de ‘perceptuele’ definitie . Hoe zal de landschapsarcheologie zich in de toekomst ontwikkelen?

Additional Information
Amsterdam : Amsterdam University Press
GMD ( General Material Designation )
Electronic Resource
No. Panggil
930.1028 LAN l
Deskripsi Fisik
525p. : ill.
Pernyataan Tanggungjawab
Info Detail Spesifik
Electronic Resource
Tipe Isi
Tipe Media
Tipe Pembawa
online resource

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