Result Search
# Debug Box
/var/www/html/opac/plugins/typesense-searchengine/src/TypesenseSearchEngine.php:30 "Search Engine Debug 🔎 🪲"
Engine Type ⚙️: "IdoAlit\SearchEngine\TypesenseSearchEngine"
Result 🔎: array:8 [ "facet_counts" => array:4 [ 0 => array:4 [ "counts" => array:10 [ 0 => array:3 [ "count" => 4 "highlighted" => "2020" "value" => "2020" ] 1 => array:3 [ "count" => 3 "highlighted" => "1997" "value" => "1997" ] 2 => array:3 [ "count" => 3 "highlighted" => "1991" "value" => "1991" ] 3 => array:3 [ "count" => 3 "highlighted" => "1989" "value" => "1989" ] 4 => array:3 [ "count" => 2 "highlighted" => "0" "value" => "0" ] 5 => array:3 [ "count" => 2 "highlighted" => "2022" "value" => "2022" ] 6 => array:3 [ "count" => 2 "highlighted" => "2007" "value" => "2007" ] 7 => array:3 [ "count" => 2 "highlighted" => "2021" "value" => "2021" ] 8 => array:3 [ "count" => 2 "highlighted" => "2013" "value" => "2013" ] 9 => array:3 [ "count" => 1 "highlighted" => "2019" "value" => "2019" ] ] "field_name" => "publish_year" "sampled" => false "stats" => array:5 [ "avg" => 1902.3076923077 "max" => 2022.0 "min" => 0.0 "sum" => 74190.0 "total_values" => 25 ] ] 1 => array:4 [ "counts" => array:10 [ 0 => array:3 [ "count" => 39 "highlighted" => "Humans" "value" => "Humans" ] 1 => array:3 [ "count" => 15 "highlighted" => "Head" "value" => "Head" ] 2 => array:3 [ "count" => 12 "highlighted" => "Headache" "value" => "Headache" ] 3 => array:3 [ "count" => 10 "highlighted" => "Head and Neck Neoplasms" "value" => "Head and Neck Neoplasms" ] 4 => array:3 [ "count" => 7 "highlighted" => "neck" "value" => "neck" ] 5 => array:3 [ "count" => 5 "highlighted" => "Migraine Disorders" "value" => "Migraine Disorders" ] 6 => array:3 [ "count" => 4 "highlighted" => "Craniocerebral Trauma" "value" => "Craniocerebral Trauma" ] 7 => array:3 [ "count" => 3 "highlighted" => "Female" "value" => "Female" ] 8 => array:3 [ "count" => 3 "highlighted" => "Anatomy" "value" => "Anatomy" ] 9 => array:3 [ "count" => 3 "highlighted" => "Dizziness" "value" => "Dizziness" ] ] "field_name" => "topics" "sampled" => false "stats" => array:1 [ "total_values" => 37 ] ] 2 => array:4 [ "counts" => array:10 [ 0 => array:3 [ "count" => 3 "highlighted" => "Iskandar Junaidi" "value" => "Iskandar Junaidi" ] 1 => array:3 [ "count" => 2 "highlighted" => "Marcia Wilkinson" "value" => "Marcia Wilkinson" ] 2 => array:3 [ "count" => 2 "highlighted" => "Saudurma Sirait, dkk" "value" => "Saudurma Sirait, dkk" ] 3 => array:3 [ "count" => 2 "highlighted" => "John Jacob Ballenger" "value" => "John Jacob Ballenger" ] 4 => array:3 [ "count" => 2 "highlighted" => "Mardiyono, MNS, BNS, Ph.D" "value" => "Mardiyono, MNS, BNS, Ph.D" ] 5 => array:3 [ "count" => 1 "highlighted" => "Himawan" "value" => "Himawan" ] 6 => array:3 [ "count" => 1 "highlighted" => "R. Putz" "value" => "R. Putz" ] 7 => array:3 [ "count" => 1 "highlighted" => "Sudirman" "value" => "Sudirman" ] 8 => array:3 [ "count" => 1 "highlighted" => "Edy Suprantno" "value" => "Edy Suprantno" ] 9 => array:3 [ "count" => 1 "highlighted" => "Sidiarto Kusumoputro" "value" => "Sidiarto Kusumoputro" ] ] "field_name" => "authors" "sampled" => false "stats" => array:1 [ "total_values" => 59 ] ] 3 => array:4 [ "counts" => array:10 [ 0 => array:3 [ "count" => 16 "highlighted" => "00" "value" => "00" ] 1 => array:3 [ "count" => 9 "highlighted" => "05" "value" => "05" ] 2 => array:3 [ "count" => 7 "highlighted" => "06" "value" => "06" ] 3 => array:3 [ "count" => 6 "highlighted" => "07" "value" => "07" ] 4 => array:3 [ "count" => 6 "highlighted" => "08" "value" => "08" ] 5 => array:3 [ "count" => 4 "highlighted" => "" "value" => "" ] 6 => array:3 [ "count" => 4 "highlighted" => "01" "value" => "01" ] 7 => array:3 [ "count" => 1 "highlighted" => "10" "value" => "10" ] 8 => array:3 [ "count" => 1 "highlighted" => "03" "value" => "03" ] 9 => array:3 [ "count" => 1 "highlighted" => "04" "value" => "04" ] ] "field_name" => "items.location_id" "sampled" => false "stats" => array:1 [ "total_values" => 10 ] ] ] "found" => 39 "hits" => [] "out_of" => 26312 "page" => 47 "request_params" => array:3 [ "collection_name" => "library_biblios" "per_page" => 10 "q" => " Head " ] "search_cutoff" => false "search_time_ms" => 17 ]
Documents 📂: []